November 4, 2011

Don't Blow Out the Candles!

Well I'm back in my home, a Starbucks in West Hartford, still without power. Although, through all the problems of life without power its nice to connect with people. Be it a minute in line at the Mall or an hour and a half with a stranger  I shared a table with yesterday (thanks for the conversation and great advice Alice and Joe). All of these interactions got me thinking, what in a space makes these interactions happen. I will agree that the way furniture and walls are placed does not always encourage these interactions, but in rare cases I believe they do.

Anyway enough about my troubles lets talk about some fire! Yesterday I talked about fireplaces and how they can become the centerpiece for any space. Today I have been looking into candle holders because a lot of times they fall under the radar when designing a room.
I found these Menu Double Candelabras by Mikaela Dorfel Design. Its two separate candleholders that intertwine the way two candles would if you placed them next to each other.
What I like most about the Menu Double is that they have two different feels when together or separate. Together  you have a dancing flame feel and when they stand alone you get the feeling of being in a Salvador Dali painting.

I also StumbledUpon this cool candle holder by WooDoo Designs. Its a clean simple design but is one you will not find anywhere else. 

That is all I have for you today and try lighting some candles around your house see how your mood will change. Thanks for reading and please comment on anything you find on my blog or other sites you want to see. I could use the feedback. Thanks again and as always, Get out there and touch some Architecture. 

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